We Welcome Visitors

What you should expect

Coming to a new place, especially a church, can be scary. Walking into a building where you don't really know anyone can intimidate the best of people. 

Our goal is to make this a pleasant experience. So what should you expect when you visit with us?

We are part of an expanding network of Brethren in Christ Churches of North America. We are casual and relaxed, with mainly contemporary worship teams and relevant messages that will touch you no matter what your walk of life.  

Our greatest desire is to help everyone that enters through our doors to feel welcome, have a sense of belonging, and most importantly, encounter the presence of God!

Dress: When you visit us, you should expect a relaxed atmosphere. We don't get hung up on a formal "Dress Code". There will be some that are dressed up and others who are not. A good rule of thumb would be to just dress modestly. We are here to worship God together and no one should judge another by how they are dressed. We don't either.

Worship Atmosphere: We love God and get excited about what God has done in our lives. You'll find a contemporary setting of worship that is relevant for the whole family.

Uncertainty: NHCC is a place of discovery and growth. You may not have all the answers to all of life's questions, however we can introduce you to the one who does. Give us the pleasure of introducing you to Jesus who loves, cares and desires to have a personal relationship with you.

People: When you visit us, you should expect to be greeted with a warm, friendly welcome. Our desire is to help you from finding the nursery to answering questions you may have. We are here to make your experience a great one.

Teaching: We believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God and is relevant for today. Our services focus on providing practical wisdom from the Bible that people can use in everyday life. READ OUR BELIEFS

Kids: We offer a nursery for the little ones (newborn until 3rd birthday) that is staffed with people who care about kids. In Harvestland, (3 yr-5th grade) we believe that children can experience God's salvation and teach Biblical messages geared towards their age and understanding. LEARN ABOUT KIDS CONNECTIONS

Greetings: One of the biggest challenges to many who visit a church for the first time is the idea of standing up and allowing people to greet you. Most people would rather sit quietly and not stand out. We understand that and promise to not do anything to embarrass you.

Offering: Each service, we offer several ways to give … you may give on your mobile device, here on the website and there are baskets available as you enter the sanctuary to give tithes and offerings of those who call our church home. We believe it is Biblical for people to give back to God a portion of what He has given to us. 

However, as our guest, we are not requesting you put anything in the basket other than a way to possibly reach out to you. You may if you would like, however, you are our honored guest and nothing is required from you.

Afterward: We would love the opportunity to reach out to you and help answer any questions. Some people who visit already have a personal relationship with God and are just looking for a new place to call home. Others have not begun or don't even understand what it means to have a personal relationship with God. If this is you, we would love the opportunity to talk about what God has done in our lives and how much He loves and desires to have a personal relationship with you.