Nursery & Kids
Children, Welcome to HARVESTLAND
Harvestland Check-In
begins at 9:45 A.M.
in the Harvestland Hallway.
Safety for your children is a top priority. For a child to participate in Harvestland activities, both regular attenders and visitors are asked the first time the child is checked in with our digital system, to give pertinent info on their child, such as food allergies, etc., as well as who has permission to pick up the child from Harvestland.
Your child will receive a stick-on name tag, and you will receive an info tag, with both having corresponding safety codes.
Pre K: Goes directly to their room
K-3rd: Goes into the Harvestland Worship room
4-5th: Goes directly to their room. They, along with their teachers, will go as a group to the sanctuary for the worship time. Then go back to class.
Please give your info tag to the teacher when getting your child.
Please feel assured that if a need should arise, you will be notified by text message.
10 A.M. Service: Nursery
Newborn - 2 Yrs.
The nursery is staffed during the whole service each Sunday.
10 A.M. Service: Harvestland
Pre-School - 5th Grade
Now through Dec. 08: After checked-in, the kiddos will be either directed to the HL Large Room or their classroom to practice for the Kids & Youth Christmas Program.
Dec. 15: Kid’s & Youth Christmas Program in the sanctuary. Harvestland is not held.
Dec. 22 & 29: Family Worship Services. Harvestland is not held.
Beginning January 05: 4th-5th Graders should be in their classroom by 10 a.m. They will then go as a group to worship in the sanctuary until dismissed before the message. The younger kids will be directed to either worship together or go to their classrooms.
To help you avoid registration lines, you may enter your information below & submit. After the first time, check-in is normally very quick and simple.
Pre K & K-1 & 2-3
(1st thru 4th Sundays) Kids worship together in HL, and then go to their classes for exciting, interactive lesson time geared for them.
Kids meet in their classroom @ 10 a.m., then go as a group to worship in the sanctuary. Dismissed before the message & return to classroom
(5th Sundays)
Sometimes Combined All groups will remain in the Harvestland Worship room after Worship Time, for a special, fun learning activity time & often doing special projects.