The Nursery
(Birth - 2Yrs Old)

We care for children at NHCC. From the time you take them to the nursery for a Secure Check-In, our mission is safety. Our Nursery Team cares for your little one, providing them age appropriate fun.

We want your children to enjoy coming to church. We also want you to be able to participate in everything God is doing in your life without having to worry about your children.

Once a child reaches their 3rd birthday, the parents have options … leaving them in the nursery until Move Up Sunday (new school year) or moving them up then to the Pre-School class.

Nursery Check-In begins at 9:45 A.M. First time visitors are asked to register their child at the computer check-in station, which will also ask for any pertinent info, such as food allergies, etc.

Your child and you will receive corresponding tags w/name & safety #’s. Please feel assured that if a need should arise, you will be notified by that # displaying on the corner of the worship service display screen.

After the Worship Service. When you go to the nursery to get your little one, you’ll need to give the Nursery Team the tag with your child’s #.

Your child not registered? If you would like, you can pre-register your child by clicking the link below.